I’ve recently picked up my old hobby of shooting photos. I have a few film cameras and a digital camera that I love. I’ve enjoyed getting to know my cameras again and getting to know myself again through photography. It's rekindled this desire to basically live my life as if I were in a documentary. This blog will do that - it will document my weekend dirtbaggery.
If you aren't familiar, the term “dirtbag” is used to describe someone who shirks responsibility and doesn't adhere to social norms.
I think we all have a little dirtbag in us. I sure did when I was in my 20s. I still have a lot of dirtbaggery left in me, but I also have a lot of stability-loving adult in me.
I've been working since I was 18, not as long as most people my age. Most people my age got jobs in high school, but I didn't. My first job was in retail, working at a bookstore. I loved this job, mostly because of the discounts and free books.
As time went on, I needed a more serious job. I went to school for a bit, got bored, and returned to the workforce. I worked in operations and IT with a mobile health screening service.
Once or twice a month, I would travel way out of town and work, spending half a day or a whole week somewhere I'd never been. Then I would come home, organize the data, do other admin things, and travel to the next gig.
After a while, I outgrew that job and moved on to other things.
I recently took a job in the outdoor space (which I love), and it will afford me the weekend adventure I need to keep my heart and mind stimulated.
I hope you gain some entertainment from this blog through nice photos and cool stories, but more importantly, I hope that it encourages you to go on adventures.
There is a lot of talk on the Internet about living nomadically, hustling, and entrepreneurship being the keys to freedom. But I argue that one can be free and have a stable job.
There is something to be said for being a weekend warrior or a weekend dirtbag, where you have the stability of a day job that you love and free time to explore things you're passionate about.
This blog is meant to celebrate that and encourage you to become a bit of a weekend dirtbag.
Hello, this is Barbara
If you stumbled upon this blog and you have no idea who I am: Hello, this is Barbara. I am a writer, writing facilitator, and a weekend dirtbag.
I am very curious about things. I like to learn, read, and experience life, as most of us do.
You can find my personal log here, which has absolutely no specific purpose other than to allow me to blog whenever I want. If you don’t have a personal log, I highly recommend starting one. It’s nice to have a place to write publicly that isn’t “niched” to death.
Hello. This is Barbara. - Personal Log
Pilgrim Fowl Press - Publishing Company
Cheers to living more and experiencing more! And, if you want to become a Weekend Dirtbag, please subscribe.